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Welcome to Shahd H. Rashed's Tea Party Blog

What really defines you?

Whenever we get introduced to a new person, we are always asked who are we? And we always define ourselves with our job, is this correct? Do you really want to be only remembered by your profession? What if you have multiple passions? What if you shifted your career? What if you didn't create a career path yet? This was a serious conversation that I first read while scrolling my Instagram feed by @therealherproject. This post has triggered something that I really need to discuss from my own perspective.

Few years ago while I was still a student, I used to introduce myself as Shahd the student with passion in marketing, blogging, and philanthropy. And years later, it is different! If this networking event is related to work, I am the marketer with passion in blogging and philanthropy. If this networking event is related to blogging, I am a blogger with passion in marketing and philanthropy. If this networking event is related to philanthropy, I am a philanthropist with passion in marketing and blogging. As if I am wearing different hats all of the time.

After reading this post, I thought why is it so hard to be Shahd with passion in marketing, blogging, philanthropy, and all of my other hobbies and interests without prioritizing one thing on top of others. The sum of this list of passions created the current Shahd. Why are we defining ourselves with our profession while ignoring all of our other passions and interests? Isn't this part of us as well?

Next time while introducing yourself, take the full time to introduce the full you. Don't summarize everything in your profession only. It is a nice opportunity to have a long conversation with the other person.



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