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Top 10 Job Interview Questions

Today, I have decided to answer the top 10 questions asked during a job interview. A nice opportunity to sink deeper in yourself. Take an opportunity to prepare your answers before hand, if you are not actively searching for a job interview then those questions are a really good opportunity to sink deep in yourself and learn more. Thanks to this Muse article for the questions.

1. Can you tell me more about yourself?

For this question don't tell the full story, just state your top 3 previous achievements and how those achievements helped you to reach this opportunity.

2. What do you know about the company?

This is not a paraphrase from the "About" page, here you should add your personal connection with the company's mission, vision, and values.

3. What are your greatest professional strengths?

Keep this for the top 3 strengths, keep them relevant and specific to the current job opportunity. After stating the strength, tell a story that revolves on using this strength.

4. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

This is a trap, take good care while answering this question. The interviewer needs to know the red flags and your level of self awareness. So, you should answer with the top 3 weaknesses and how you are working on them to show a positive progress.

5. What is your greatest professional achievement?

Here, you need to give a quick summary on your top achievement. You can use the STAR approach:

1. Set up the "Situation" you were in.

2. Set up the "Task" you were required to accomplish.

3. Discuss the "Action" that you took.

4. Discuss the "Result" that you have achieved.

6. Tell me about a conflict at work, and your solution?

Here, you need to give a quick summary on the situation. You can use the STAR approach as well:

1. Set up the "Situation" you were in.

2. Set up the "Task" you were required to accomplish.

3. Discuss the "Action" that you took.

4. Discuss the "Result" that you have achieved.

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

You should be realistic to show your real goals in the upcoming 5 years. Your goals need to be real, need to show ambition, and need to be aligned with the current position.

8. When you have exercised your leadership?

You should share the level of detail that helps the receiver to both believe and remember the story. You can tell about a project that you have managed or a situation when you led the team as a whole.

9. What do you like to do outside work?

Be frank, speak your heart up in a not-so-professional manner and tell the interviewer what are your side hustles? Is it blogging or acting or philanthropy?

10. Do you have any questions to us?

It is your opportunity to know more about the department and the team, to know when to expect a reply back, or re-ask a question from the interview to the interviewer to see her/his answer.


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