Looking Forward
Every year we do have the chance to start over from scratch. We do have the chance to change everything to the better version. During the last days in 2017, I do look forward to start over and fresh. This is the time of year when we all start planning and creating our new year's resolutions and goals, planning the habits that we do plan to introduce into our lives, dreaming of the new successes or accomplishments both personally and professionally. So, here I am reminding myself of the most important things to start a fresh 2018. Break every big goal to small to be done steps. You have to set the big goal, for example "Launching the new campaign on a certain date" or "Losing certain KG during 2018". And then break this goal to small steps or a specific todo list that should be followed to reach your ultimate goal. While creating your goals this year, try to vary them between short-term monthly goals and long-term yearly goals. So, you can have small and big achievement all year round. And don't forget to reward yourself every time you achieve it. Remember that every year is a rollercoaster trip, where we do start high then go low and it goes on. You have to do your best to keep the curve upward. So, you won't lose your passion in the middle of the 12 months and don't achieve your goals as planned. So, start slow but the most important thing is to be consistent. Don't forget reading! This is the only thing that keeps your learning curve upward. Read novels that keeps your imagination high, read books related to your profession to update yourself with the new trends, and read all the different book/article types to keep your brain growing. Don't treat failure as the end of the journey. Your failure is part of your success, so if you never failed then you will never learn. Keep failing to keep learning and then success will find its way into your life. Don't lose your passion so you can achieve all of your goals and reach success. As cliche as it seems, don't forget your work-life balance. It is really good to work a 9-5 job or to run your own business or to do both, however you do have a life to live beside work. Work is just a part and you do have other things to be done during your life. So, throughout the year you do deserve to have several vacations to travel or to disconnect and live a stress-free life. Moreover, you do need to know your passion so you will add some shimmer to your life to shine. Choose your clothes carefully as they do reflect your personality! First impressions are really important and are formed through your clothes, accessories, makeup, or body language. So, you have to keep a clean closet that speaks for you. And make it a rule of thumb to only wear clothes that helps you feel comfy, happy, confident and successful whether it is chic or casual or formal or semi-formal .. you name it! Do anything you want but remember to keep everything in perspective and don't overdress or underdress! Start your day on a positive note every morning. Set a nice alarm tune and set your alarm early enough so you are not in a hurry. First, drink a glass of water to start your day hydrated and boost your metabolism. Try a commute routine that will help you start a fresh day based on how many hours you do spend commuting to work + how do you commute to work. Free yourself of any negative thing that have happened everyday before leaving. If your work day was stressful, set yourself free before going back home. If you have experienced a hard personal day then leave this on your home's door. Don't mix the different pillars in your life together, so your different things will affect each other negatively. For example, you will not focus on work because you had a fight with your mother during the morning or you couldn't sleep during the night because you didn't succeed in one of your tasks. Focus on yourself! Focusing on others successes or others failures will not help you in achieving anything. However, focus on yourself and focus on how you can help yourself excel in certain things that you are passionate to have. I believe nothing is called a morning-person or an evening-person. Yes, you can treat yourself to function during mornings or to function during evenings and this only depends on your routine. If you slept early enough to have 7-8 hours sleep and then wake up early for your school or university or work. However, if you slept really late then you won't be able to wake up early and will struggle during the day. Don't blame being an evening person as you can change it based on your routine. Thanks Charlotte Faraci for the inspiration during writing this blog post.