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Self Care Dilemma

We are all in the middle of a non-end dilemma to reach a concrete definition for "Self-Care", so I have decided to take my writing time today to explore more what is self-care? and how should I do it? I have posted a quick post on my personal account on FaceBook profile. Below you will find a flavor of how people define self-care concept.

Since the beginning of man-kind and people are seeking self-care and associating it with happiness in one way or another. Despite that the definition of self-care or happiness are unique per person, such as your fingerprint. So, in this article I am trying to dig deeper in both concepts to know how to reach them.

As a marketer, I can easily say that happiness is conditional. Happiness depends on this massage session or this facial care routine or this special product. Happiness is always associated with a certain product or service, even if in reality happiness is not an "if clause". You won't be happy if you bought this or did that. You can never buy happiness.

As a social media user, I can easily say that happiness is "people on Instagram". People who keep posting happy pictures and write positive posts around their life accomplishments. As if the cup is always half full! However, I am sure that all social media posts are curated and edited specifically to show the bright side of the story. You won't be happy if you lived others life! Not even if you did Yoga or travelled or graduated or got a promotion.

I once watched a video by Pick Up Limes, where she was frankly discussing that happiness is not an "If ... Then" game. "If I travelled more, then I'll be happy" or "If I found a loving parter, then I'll be happy" or "If I lose weight, then I'll be happy". No, it is not this game as this game is toxic. Because happiness is not a result and this way you are setting the bar higher every time you do reach one of the "IFs".

When you catch yourself playing the "if .. then" game, do the following:

  1. Remind yourself that it is important to have aspirations but those are not the only things to make me happy.

  2. Shift your mindset, start feeling gratitude.

  3. Remember that it is ok to not be happy all the time.

Comments on my FB post:

  • Yara El-Megharbel, defined self-care as knowing what makes you happy and do it. Pampering yourself because nobody will take care of you better that yourself. In addition to avoiding any toxic or exhausting relationships.

  • Aya Emam, defined self-care in a similar context by remembering that you are a priority and take regular breaks to indulge in any activity that brings joy to your heart.

  • Mohammed Abd Elaziz, defined self-care in avoiding anything or anyone that harms your body or your soul.

  • Hend Aladdin, defined self-care in learning to say "NO" more often and the cliche hot baths.

  • Habiba AlToudy, defined self-care by being aware of every negative external influence and have the strength to refuse everything that you can't handle. Being aware of your own negative influence on yourself and handle it. Plus scheduling some time daily to practice your hobbies in your daily routine.

  • Rana Fathy, listed her self-care definition in the below 5 points:

  1. Taking some time off and be by yourself.

  2. Cleaning my space, both physically and mentally. Cleaning my room will always lead to a clearer mind. Maybe some yoga or meditation as well.

  3. Take care of my body and pamper myself. Doing face masks or taking a long, hot shower.

  4. Gratitude journaling, listing down few things that I am grateful for which leads to a more grateful outlook on life.

  5. Doing a hobby that will make me feel better, reading or writing or watching a movie.

My top 10 self-care practices are listed below:

  1. Sleeping for 8 hours every night.

  2. Meditate every night before sleeping.

  3. Listen to my favorite song while commuting.

  4. Walk for 30 minutes whenever I can.

  5. Knowing my limits.

  6. Taking regular breaks during the work day.

  7. Go to the Cinema or a live concert on weekly basis.

  8. Write or blog on daily basis.

  9. Do my manicure in bright colors.

  10. Go "Silver accessories" shopping.

Now it is your turn, think more on what is you self-care and happiness list? And start doing them more often.


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